Time out For Parents Programme
Don't worry there is no exam with our sessions and there is no such thing as a silly question!
We know parenting can be both rewarding and challenging the time out for parents sessions support you and help you to build strong and secure relationships in your family.
We use evidence based material from Care for the Family which is delivered by our trained and experienced facilitators.
Here is a taste of the Programmes that we offer:
Parenting in the Early Years
Parenting in the Primary Years
Parenting in the Teenage Years
Handling Anger in the family
Dads Only
Parenting children with additional needs
Our time out for parents sessions are funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, The Robertson Trust, The Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund and are open to residents of the Scottish Borders.
Don't worry there is no exam with our sessions and there is no such thing as a silly question!
We know parenting can be both rewarding and challenging the time out for parents sessions support you and help you to build strong and secure relationships in your family.
We use evidence based material from Care for the Family which is delivered by our trained and experienced facilitators.
Here is a taste of the Programmes that we offer:
Parenting in the Early Years
Parenting in the Primary Years
Parenting in the Teenage Years
Handling Anger in the family
Dads Only
Parenting children with additional needs
Our time out for parents sessions are funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, The Robertson Trust, The Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund and are open to residents of the Scottish Borders.