Our parenting children with additional needs runs over seven weeks providing an opportunity for parents/carers to support and encourage each other, helping share feelings and experiences, and come up with solutions to problems on the basis of what works – not what’s meant to work!
The starting point is looking at what life is really like living with your child who has additional needs, helping them reach their potential and how to keep going.
Consideration is given on how to boost self esteem through play and learning, respond with good listening and how our parenting style affects our children’s responses.
Next, exploring how you can talk to your child about their condition, other people’s reactions to your child and recognising and coping with feelings.
Why do our children act the way they do? We look at the many reasons behind behaviour, the vital subject of setting boundaries, why children need them and why they can be hard to set. Following on from this is the value of routines, praise, and consistency and exploring a toolkit of discipline strategies.
Home and school are often big issues and we look at how the school might support your child’s learning, how you can play a part in this and where to look for further support. Finally, there’s a chance to recognise the impact on the wider family and to review what the sessions have meant to you.
What to expect at each session:
Session 1 – Parenting children with additional needs
Session 2 – Self-esteem
Session 3 – Coping with feelings
Session 4 – Understanding behaviour
Session 5 – Managing behaviour
Session 6 – Home and school
Session 7 – The wider family
There are two, four session, short courses which follow Time out for Children with additional needs to support parents/carers of children on the autism spectrum and ADHD. Fore more information click here.
The starting point is looking at what life is really like living with your child who has additional needs, helping them reach their potential and how to keep going.
Consideration is given on how to boost self esteem through play and learning, respond with good listening and how our parenting style affects our children’s responses.
Next, exploring how you can talk to your child about their condition, other people’s reactions to your child and recognising and coping with feelings.
Why do our children act the way they do? We look at the many reasons behind behaviour, the vital subject of setting boundaries, why children need them and why they can be hard to set. Following on from this is the value of routines, praise, and consistency and exploring a toolkit of discipline strategies.
Home and school are often big issues and we look at how the school might support your child’s learning, how you can play a part in this and where to look for further support. Finally, there’s a chance to recognise the impact on the wider family and to review what the sessions have meant to you.
What to expect at each session:
Session 1 – Parenting children with additional needs
Session 2 – Self-esteem
Session 3 – Coping with feelings
Session 4 – Understanding behaviour
Session 5 – Managing behaviour
Session 6 – Home and school
Session 7 – The wider family
There are two, four session, short courses which follow Time out for Children with additional needs to support parents/carers of children on the autism spectrum and ADHD. Fore more information click here.